Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Blog Layout

Except for spending time with Threshin (the Bestest Big Sister a Girl Could Have) and friends, today was pretty much a waste of time as far as Second Life® was concerned. I did learn that I should use ® instead of ™ when referring to Second Life®. I figured all that out when spending time reformatting my blog template. A bit of a learning curve there, but I figured it out. I got this new one from BTemplates. It is called Cool Water. Guess I was tired from setting up the Halloween hunt at the Isle of Lesbos.

Anyway, as of now the Archive is missing. I hope to get that back soon. Blogger was throwing errors left and right. And some side column content, like news headlines, is gone. Lots of changes, but if you know me I don't sit still long so change is inevitable. Probably the next thing to be changed is that Edit button at the top. No idea what that does.

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